This Association-approved mini-reunion includes a visit with retired submariners at the Armed Forces Retirement Home (AFRH) in Gulfport, MS. The AFRH is one of only two such locations in the U.S. Other planned optional activities are an Island View Casino visit in Gulfport, lunch in Gulfport, a visit to the SeaBee Base Exchange in Gulfport, attending a submarine ‘Tolling of the Bell’ at the USS Drum, a lunch with submariners from AFRH and three southern submarine bases, a visit to the Mobile Carnival Museum (Mardi Gras) and a visit to the Gator Walk in Daphne. The daily POD is included below.
The host hotel will be the newly-renovated Hampton Inn Mobile I-10/Bellingrath. We have negotiated a daily rate of $99 (plus tax) which will also include a hot breakfast for two for each room. To make reservations, call 251-660-9202 and reference the ‘USS Grant Group’ This hotel is just West of Mobile and was selected based upon daily traffic considerations. The first day’s activities are also located West of Mobile and this hotel is outside the daily week-day Mobile traffic hours. The second day (Saturday) activities are just to the East of Mobile, so the weekend traffic through Mobile should not be a factor.
For more information, shipmates can contact Ruth Jordan at either 936-581-4810 or email her at You can also contact Larry Jordan at 940-569-8145 or

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